Friday, December 12, 2014

New World Order Plans In A Nutshell

This is information from memory of a doctor who was present at a talk given to Pediatricians in 1969 where the doctors were told not to use a tape recorder and told not to takes notes from a colleague who was a member of what he called "The Order".  

Researcher Antony Sutton's work is key to identifying the forces causing what we are seeing today, both culturally and politically.  Sutton reveals the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale, of whose connections are briefly explained in the above post's 5hr video, calls themselves "The Order". Therefore, the plans in this presentation from the late 1960's, most of which have come to pass, that have come become reality since this lecture, may be a demonstration of the power of the Skull and Bones fraternity alumni:

This link will take you to the same information in text form.


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